8 Mayıs 2017 Pazartesi

Beşinci Element (Fifth Element) (1997)

Tek cümleyle tarif et deseler “Walt Disney Bilim-kurgusu” diyebilirim. Komedi ve aksiyonun harmanı. Hikaye vasat. Dramaya girilmemiş. Diva dışındaki müzikleri sevmedim (Eric Serra). Willis ekrana çok yakışıyor. Ruby Rhod (Chris Tucker) karakteri biraz iticiydi, mesela Star Wars’daki Jar Jar Binks gibi sempatik gelmedi. Jovovich Balkan güzeli. Görsel efektler iyiydi. Gary Oldman filmin komedi dozu yüksek olunca oyunculuğunu gösterememiş. Valerian hayranlarının çok seveceği eğlenceli bir pulp aksiyon filmi.

“Time is of no importance. Only life is important”
“Anticipation denotes intelligence”
Vurdukça büyüyen bir evil kozmik bulut/enerji
Kedisine: “Fazla TV seyretme beynini çürütür “ 
3D printer gibi aletle enkazdan kalan canlı kısımdan bedenin tamamını ürettiler.
Takip sahnesindeki arapça müzik iyi bir seçim değildi
Vito Cornelius - Korben Dallas ve kedisi - Major Iceborg - Leeloo Ruby Rhod - Miss Plavalaguna (diva) - 

Telefonu niye açmıyorsun deyince iyi bir şey çıkmıyor diyor.
Last 2 calls
“First one was from my wife telling me she’s leaving, second one was from my lawyer, telling me he was leaving with my wife” :) 
Annesi “Kedini benim kadar sevmiyorsun, ama seni ben emzirdim” diyor. Sürekli arayıp niye benimle ilgilenmiyorsun diyor. Big Bang Theory'deki anne modeli :)

Gemini Croquette Contest’i kazandı. Kedi maması
Ginger diye bir patronu var, kızıyor hep
Mondoshawan Zorg
Planet Fhloston (tatil gezegeni) – Fhloston Paradise - 400 beaches
Mangalores (Zorg’un adamları)
"Mangalores dont fight without the leader"
Negotiation’a girdiğinde lideri kafadan vurdu. Müzakere böyle olur.

“Leeloo in trouble?
When is leeloo not in trouble?”

Filmden sonra adetim olduğu üzere bir baktım. Bilhassa Trivia kısmında ilginç bilgiler vardı. Bazıları aşağıda.
  • ·         Director Luc Besson has stated in several sources (among them his own production diary), that the Fifth Element is "a representation of life, love, and art," and that "The Fifth Element is a symbol of life."
  • ·         The number 5 appears in the movie on several occasions: There are five elements; Korben Dallas' license had five points left; Zorg stops his bomb with five seconds remaining on the timer, and the Mangalore's bomb starts with a five second timer. Ruby Rhod, near the end of the movie, after the alien planet is stopped, says, "There's a bomb going off every five minutes!", and the doctor at the end says that Leeloo and Korben need five more minutes. Ruby Rhod's show is at 5 o'clock.
  • ·         At the end of the movie, when Korben's mother calls and the President passes off the phone, you can hear her complaining, "I might as well throw myself into traffic, Saran Wrap myself to the bed and pretend my child is suffocating me..." She is listing off previous scenes within the movie.
  • ·         Zorg is the name of another character in a Luc Besson movie, the lead character in Betty Blue (1986).
  • ·         The Mangalores wear goggles because the eye makeup took so long to apply.
  • ·         Third and final film pairing of Bruce Willis and Brion James after The Player (1992) and Striking Distance (1993). Brion passed away of a heart attack on August 7, 1999.
  • ·         Korben Dallas is a former space commando turned taxi driver. In Luc Besson's later film Tasiyici (2002), the main protagonist Frank Martin is a former soldier turned hired driver.
  • ·         The buildings in New York City were derived from both metabolist-inspired masses of modular apartments from the 1960s, and the futuristic designs of architect Antonio Sant'Elia in the 1910s.
  • ·         While cartoonist Jean-Claude Mézières isn't directly credited in the movie, he is indeed the confirmed author of most sets, as his album "The Extras of Mezieres v.2: My Fifth Element Sets for the Film by Luc Besson" (Les Extras De Mezieres n.2: Mon cinquième élément decours pour le film du Luc Besson) was published at the same time the movie came out in France, reusing the movie's logo on the cover. Similarly, at the time the movie was being shot, Christin and Mézières published 'Les cercles du pouvoir' which contained a hovercraft taxi (which led Luc Besson to rewrite the movie's opening scenes) and a caricature of Besson.
  • ·         This is one of two science-fiction movies featuring Ian Holm in which there is a character by the name of Dallas. The other one is Yaratik (1979), which stars Tom Skerritt as Captain Dallas.
  • ·         Volumes of two manga series - "Sanctuary", by Ryoichi Ikegami and Sho Fumimura (Buronson), and "Adolf", by Osamu Tezuka - are briefly visible in Korben Dallas' apartment.
  • ·         Terry Pratchett spoofed the title in his Discworld Novel "The Fifth Elephant"
  • ·         Luc Besson wanted to show the future is not dark and dangerous. "This future is very funny."
  • ·         Alejandro Jodorowsky and Jean Giraud sued Luc Besson after the film was released, claiming that it had plagiarised their comic The Incal. Giraud sued for 13.1 million euros for unfair competition, 9 million euros in damages and interest and two to five percent of the net operating revenues of the film. Jodorowsky sued for 700,000 euros. The case was dismissed in 2004 on the grounds that only "tiny fragments" of the comic had been used and also because Giraud had been hired by Besson to work on the film before the allegations were made.
  • ·         Luc Besson described Zorg with these words: "dandy", "nouveau riche", and "Hitler".
  • ·         In the movie, Maïwenn is actually lip synching to soprano Inva Mula. She practised thirty times a day for three months to get the song right.
  • ·         Luc Besson, an admitted comic book fan, had two famous French comic book artists in mind for the film's visual style when he started writing the movie in high school. Jean Giraud (Moebius) and Jean-Claude Mézières. Both artists have long-standing comic book series in France. Moebius is best known for "Blueberry" and the (French) Magazine and (US) movie Heavy Metal (1981). Mézières is best known for the "Valerian" series. Both series are still in production today. Moebius and Mezieres, who attended art school together but had never collaborated on a project until 5. Güç (1997), started renderings for the film in the early '90s and are responsible for the majority of the over all look of the film, including the vehicles, spacecrafts, buildings, human characters and aliens. However, only Giraud is credited, and even then he wasn't even granted a premium when the movie was eventually produced.
  • ·         Part of the song that the Diva sings is from the opera "Lucia Di Lammermoor", and very often goes by the title "The Mad Song", as it is sung by Lucia just after she murders Arturo (whom she was forced to marry) on their wedding day. Lucia is hallucinating that she has married the man she really loves: Edgardo, her brother's nemesis.
  • ·         Ruby Rhod's name is an inside joke. One of the original lasers used a ruby rod as the core element.
  • ·         Gary Oldman is such a good friend of Luc Besson, he took the part without reading the script, doing this film to repay Besson for partly financing his film Nil by Mouth (1997). Asked in a 2014 interview if he liked the film, Oldman stated, "Oh no. I can't bear it." He had explained in 2011: "It was me singing for my supper, because Luc had come in and partly financed my film."
  • ·         The Diva Plavalaguna is played by Maïwenn, Luc Besson's wife at the time. She took the role after the original actress failed to show up.

  • Marween
  • ·         Jean-Paul Gaultier personally checked the costumes of 500 extras used in one scene.
  • ·         Luc Besson had been in a relationship with Maïwenn, who played the role of Diva Plavalaguna, for six years when filming commenced. However, he left her for Milla Jovovich during filming. Jovovich and Besson later married, but divorced in 1999.
  • ·         Jean Reno was the original choice for the part of Korben Dallas.
  • ·         Zorg's monologue about destruction creating productivity is actually a classic economics fallacy exposed in "The Parable of the Broken Window" written by French economist Frederic Bastiat in 1850. The full essay is called "Ce qu'on voit et ce qu'on ne voit pas" ("That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen").
  • ·         This movie was supposed to be a trilogy. Luc Besson had three scripts that he condensed into one.
  • ·         Cartoonist Jean-Claude Mézières of 'My Fifth Element' also says that Luc Besson approached him for ideas, telling him: "I want to make a movie based on your visuals. But I am ready to pay you for the work." The nuance is because there has long been a controversy that many elements in the Star Wars series (several aliens, Darth Vader's costume, Leia's golden bikini, Han Solo's carbonite) were lifted almost unmodified out of Valerian (in particular 'L'Empire des Mille Planètes', published in 1971) - of which George Lucas is known to own several original editions, as seen during interviews in his study.
  • ·         Plavalaguna, Diva's name, is actually composed of two words: Plava and Laguna. "Plava" in Serbian, Croatian, Montenigrin and Bosnian language means Blue (feminine, masculine would be "plav"). "Laguna" in the same languages means lagoon. So her name is Blue Lagoon. (Milla Jovovich also played Lilli in Mavi göle dönüs (1991).) Diva's name has been inspired by the Plava Laguna resort in Porec, Croatia, where Luc Besson holidayed a few times.
  • ·         Vin Diesel provided the voice of Finger, but didn't receive any on-screen credit.
  • ·         According to the Ultimate Edition DVD, Prince and Lenny Kravitz were sources of inspiration for the part of Ruby Rhod, both were even considered for the role as well, with Prince being the first choice for the role of Ruby Rhod.
  • ·         When filming began, the production decided to dye Milla Jovovich's hair from its natural brown color to her character's signature orange color. However, due to the fact that her hair had to be re-dyed regularly to maintain the bright color, Milla's hair quickly became too damaged and broken to withstand the dye. Eventually a wig was created to match the color and style of Leeloo's hair, and was used for the remainder of the production.
  • ·         At the time, it was the most expensive film ever produced outside of Hollywood, most expensive production in Gaumont's history, and at eighty million U.S. dollars, the visual effects budget of the film was the highest of its time.

  • Inva Mula
  • ·        When composer Éric Serra showed soprano Inva Mula (who dubs the voice of the Diva) the sheet music for the Diva Dance, she reportedly smiled and relayed to him that some of the notes written were not humanly possible to achieve because the human voice cannot change notes that fast. Hence, she performed the notes in isolation - one by one, as opposed to consecutively singing them all together and they digitized the notes to fit the music. There are a few moments when you can hear the differences in the vocal tones of The Diva's voice.
  • ·         Diva Plavalaguna sings "Il dolce suono," an aria from the opera Lucia de Lammermoor. It is one of the most difficult arias because of its length, its soaring arpeggios, and the high F above high C.
  • ·         In most shots of Gary Oldman, there is a circle around his head. In fact, a circle in the middle of the frame is a near-constant motif in this film. Bruce Willis, on the other hand, is more often framed by a rectangle or doorway behind him.
  • ·         Luc Besson wrote the original screenplay when he was in high school. He had conceived the story of the film and invented the world of the film, as a child, so he could escape his lonely childhood. He began writing the script when he was 16, though it was not released in cinemas until he was 38.
  • ·         The "Divine Language" spoken by Leeloo was invented by director Luc Besson and further refined by Milla Jovovich, who had little trouble learning and developing it, as she was already fluent in 4 languages. The language had only 400 words. He and Milla Jovovich held conversations and wrote letters to each other in the language as practice. By the end of filming they were able to have full conversations in this language.
  • ·         The hero Korben Dallas and the villain Jean Baptiste Emanuel Zorg never meet, nor do they communicate with each other in any way. They are, in fact, unaware of each other's involvement.