22 Mayıs 2017 Pazartesi

How to Grow a Planet E2/3 (2012)

Birinci bölümün linki: http://kuzeykalesi.blogspot.com.tr/2017/05/how-to-grow-planet-e13-2012.html

Daha önce başka belgesellerden de tanıdığımız Jeolog Iain Stewart'ın sunduğu bu çalışma "tam derslik". Gerçek bir dersten bahsediyorum ama, Sınıflara tıkılıp ezberle düşünme yeteneğimizi körelttiğimiz aptallaştırma seanslarından değil. Abartmadan söylüyorum, ister fen ister edebiyat öğrencisi olsun, herkese mutlaka gösterilmesi lazım. Neden-sonuç ilişkileriyle bitkiler üzerinden dünyamızdaki canlılığın gelişimi ancak bu kadar iyi anlatılabilir. Ezberle fen öğretilebileceğini ya da sevdirilebileceğini düşünmek gibi bir akıl fukaralığına hapsedilip yitirilen kuşaklar için ağıt gibi bir eser. Dünyanın dört bir yanından belli başlı doğa örnekleri ziyaret edilmiş ve animasyonlarla mekanizmalar açıklanmış. Toplamda 3 bölüm, 180 dakika. Öğretmenler, bölün bunu 7-8 dakikalık kısımlara. Gösterin her ders çocuklara okullarda. Sonra ilave bilgiler verin, bahçeye çıkarın. Doğaya yaklaştırın, izlediklerine dokunmalarını sağlayın. Doğanın insan için bir bilgisayar oyunu arka planı olmadığını hissetmelerini sağlarken temel bir biyoloji dersi vermiş olun. Ve siz yetişkinler, 3 saatinizi bu belgesele ayırarak dünyada yaşamın gelişimi açısından doğaya ve gezegenimize karşı bambaşka bir bilince sahip olabilirsiniz. Kesinlikle kaçırılmaması, tekrar tekrar izlenilmesi gereken harika bir çalışma. Üstelik son 15 dakikası Türkiye Göbeklitepe'de geçiyor. Bu konuda da harika tespitler yapılmış. Edebiyattaki temel eserler gibi seyredilmesi gereken "temel bir belgesel". Teşekkürler BBC. Elimde olsa faturalarımdan kesilen TRT payını hiç İngiliz falan demeden BBC'ye gönderirdim. Bu kadar mı kaliteli işler çıkarılır. Bunları gördükçe TRT payının haraçtan başka bir şey olmadığını daha iyi anlıyor insan.

Forces that shaped our planet – geology
Largest religion site in the world 200km2
Angkor Wat in Cambodia

A symbol central to an ancient Buddhist ceremony. Flowers.
Lotus flowers and jasmine arranged beautifully. Küçük olanlar Jasmine. For these monks, flowers have a crucial role.
Flowers have been the driving force for the whole lifeon earth. Tüm hayvanlar çiçekler sayesinde şekillendi.

Lotus ve Yasemin

The emergence of flowers is one of the biggest turning points in history.
140 milyon yıl önce Dünya çok farklıydı. Animal kingdom was dominated by the dinosaurs. Separate continents yok. Pangaea var

Island of New Caledonia
Isolated olduğu için çiçek öncesi dönemi araştırmaya daha elverişli. Back then, plant kingdom had two mighty rulers: one was tall conifers. Araucaria, Cook pine. Pine trees are a family of conifers that are amongst the oldest in the world.

What made flowers so revolutionary was the limitations of the ancient plants that came before them. To reproduce conifers like these relied on the vagaries of the wind. This is pollen, the male sex cells of conifers. Each grain has to be magnified x1000 to really see its structure.  The two air sacs one in each side, catch the breeze. With luck the male pollen will be blown to a female cone on a nearby tree. But for that to happen, each conifer needs vast amounts. Nefis bir animasyon var. Its very wasteful. Up to 10 billion grains have to be released by a single tree.

Havada uçuşan polenlerin de kuşlar gibi iki kanadı olduğunu biliyor muydunuz...

The other big player back then was the ferns. Since ferns evolved in wet swampy conditions. They needed water to transport their sex cells. They use a surprising device for this end. What they do is they release a sperm which swims through the water and mud to a nearby plant and fertilises the egg. Under a microscope u can see that by thrashing around (kendi etrafında dönüyor) the male sperm cell can propel itself through the water. Its able to swim for over 2 hours.  Human sperm’e benziyor mekanizma biraz. But the downside was that ferns had to live near water. It was hugely limiting. All this meant something was lacking in the world of pangaea: diversity. Fern ve conifer türleri fazla değildi. Bugünkü tür sayısının %1’i var. Animal kingdom’da da fazla çeşitlilik yok. 700 çeşit dinozor bulundu. Ama bugün sadece memeli türlerinin sayısı 5500’den fazla. O zamanlar monotonous green world.

140 million years ago somewhere in Pangaea, one plant of one species happened to chance on a new way of reproducing. And it would change the earth forever.

New Caledonia Jungle
Amborella plant. Çok nadir kalmış. Amborella trichopoda is the closest living relative of the first flower to evolve. All flowers todays descended from its ancestor.

Amborella trichopoda

Botanists believe it began when a single plant mutated to have leaves that became petals, instead of being green, which were probably white like Amborella. We now consider them to be the first petals of the very first flower. Chance mutation sonucu olduğuna inanılır. Belki bir böcek. O zamanlar arı yok. Not all the pollen is eaten by the bug. Some sticks to it body and travels to other plants. Bug, kurye gibi görev yapıyor bilmeden. Pollinating them as it looks for food. Artık wind for conifers ya da water for ferns’den daha güvenli bir üreme yolu buluyor plants. Çiçekler aracılığıyla üreme. Devrim.

Monkey Puzzle tree. 

The supercontinent of pangaea was splitting up. Yen iklimler, ortamlar oluşuyor. For conifers and ferns so dependent on wind and water, the new landscapes were impregnable. But for flowering plants, it was the chance they’d been waiting for. They had a powerful in-built advantage.
Monkey Puzzle tree. Live for hundreds of years like conifers. They don’t reach sexual maturity until theyre 40.

Campion flower, for example can reproduce afer just 4 months. Conifer 1 nesil  yaratırken çiçekler 120 nesil yaratabiliyor. Her nesil bir genetik mutasyon ihtimali demek. Bu mutasyonlar sağkalımı sağlayacak bir avantaj anlamına gelebiliyor. Life cycles faster oldukça, türün çevresine adaptasyonu güçleniyor.

140 milyon yıl önce bu rapid life cycles sayesinde çiçekler zor şartlarda sağ kalabildi.
Tankwa Karoo in South Africa. Her yıl 2 ay yağmur var. They only have this brief window to reproduce. In order to ensure to be pollinated in time, they evolved color. Color to get noticed by insects. Fertilize olmazlarsa ölecekler belli bir dönemde. Çiçeklerin renklerinin ve tonlarının farklılığı tesadüf değil. Bir kod. Çağırdığı böceğe yönelik bir sinyal. Transferring right pollen to the right plant.

Flowers evolved a clever way to enhance this color, To the naked eye, a petal looks smooth, x1000’de baktığında, gerçek yapısı anlaşılır. Enfes bir animasyon daha. Aslında flat surface değil. Countless nodules’dan meydana geliyor. Each acts like a tiny prism which reflects and diffracts light. Gives the petal an iridescence to attract passing insects.

İnsan gözü

Morötesi görüntü

And in their use of color, plant went even further.
Special bir cam ile insect’s view of flowers gösterilecek. Inscts and this cam can see a part of the light spectrum called ultraviolet. That’s normally invisible to us humans. Flowers looking plain to us, look completely different to insects.

And the markings are really important because they are like airport runway lights that guide the insect down onto the petals. Like neon signs of a shop.

Polinasyon sonrası da big challenge ahead because their offspring had to make it through the rest of the year. To survive, flowers perfected another trick which had a powerful impact on life on earth: Seeds.

Because seed have this remarkable ability that we don’t normally think about.
Indica seed’lerini empty shotgun cartridge’I içine doldurup hedefe ateş etti. Mermi gibiydiler. During the Indian mutiny of the 19th century, soldiers used these instead of lead shots. They’re hard enough to be blasted out of a barrel and through a wood.

Kurşun gibi korunaklı: Tohum

But a tough shell wasn’t all. Seeds from flowering plants developed a further evolutionary advantage that no other plant possessed. It all starts at the moment of pollination. Having been delivered by an insect, two cells from the pollen, burrow deep into the flower’s ovary. Here one fertilizes the plant to create an embryonic plant. But, here’s the clever bit, the second cell from the pollen, does a completely different job. Instead of becoming a new plant, It grows into a food source for the fertilized egg. A kind of packed lunch. Its called double fertilization. Its unique to the seeds of flowers. It mean seeds could lie dormant for months or even years until conditions were right.

Canna Indica seeds 4 hafta sonra kök salmaya başladı shotgun’la atılmalarına rağmen. Successfully germinating into a tiny flowering plant.

100milyon yıl önce, flowers were redrawing the global map of where plants could live. Infertile alanlar oases of life haline geliyor. Hayvanlara da faydalı oluyordu.

Plants can do something unique that marks them out amongst all other living things on the planet. Their leaves can capture energy from our nearest star, sun, and turn that into food. Photosynthesis.
Imagine all the plants in the world (trees, flowers and grasses) 100 trilyon watt enerjiyi her yıl kullanıyorlar. Amerika’nin kullandığı tüm enerjinin 40 katı.

They developed this ingenious method of making sugars available to their pollinators. Enjektörle nektarı çektiğinde şekerli bir sıvı. Gezegenin önemli enerji kaynaklarından. Hayvanlar bayılıyor. Bird of paradise çiçeğinin nektarı Coca Cola’dan 3 katı fazla şeker içeriyor. Flowers were now pumping bite-sized packets of liquid energy. In to the food chain. Entirely new insects evolved.
Fosil. Amber içinde bee. Liquid tree resin içinde sıkışmış bir primitif arı which then solidified and preserved it. Bee fossils like that began to appear roughly 100 million years ago. Snapshot of an ancient past.

Bees evolved from carnivorous wasps which hhad turned their backs on meat in favor of pollen and nectar. As they evolved their whole body became covered with hair to collect more pollen. They developed sophisticated compound eyes with hundreds of tiny lenses to spot the flowers. Inside, there were special cells to detect UV light.

Özellikle South Africa’da ilk arılara benzer arılar en çok var. Buradan köken aldıkları düşünülüyor.
Böceklerle fertilization’ın problemleri var. Polenleri aldıktan sonra başka bir çiçeğe gidebilir ve polenler boşa gider. The solution of flowers was inspired.

Orphium frutescens. 

Orphium frutescens. Pink flower. South Africa Bunların nektarı yok. The payment they provide is pollen. But strangely they keep it locked up. Special twisted stamens  stop it from being stolen by visiting insects except one: female carpenter bee. Only she has the key.

Arı çiçeğe konduğunda winbeat rate’i değiştirir. Unlocking the stamens bu key vibrations sayesinde. Tuning fork ile deney. Harika çekim.

One single species of flower – one particular type of bee have evolved together to give this intimate partnership.

This particular relationship between flowers and insects, led to tighter and more isolated populations that started creating gaps in the overall ecosystem. This in turn encouraged new species to evolve filling in those spaces. Thus, flowers were driving a huge increase in the diversity of life, fuelling this increase by pumping nectar into the food chain.

120-90 milyon yıl önce flowering plants sayesinde evolution entered the most explosive phase in earth’s history. Sadece yaşamı değil, gezegenin şeklini bile değiştirmeye başladılar.


Ha Long Bay in Vietnam.
“This whole landscape just dwarfs u”
Pinnacles of limestone soaring upwards. Bu landscape’s karst deniyor. Vietnam bunlarla dolu.
90 milyon yıl önce flowers began to build an empire across the planet in a totally unexpected way. They did it by creating vast tropical rainforests. Almost all the trees are giant flowering plants. They all do one thing:

There is moisture in human breath. And in a funny way plants are breathing out moisture too. Its just much harder to see.

Deney. Büyükçe bir muz yaprağını  naylon içine aldı. Koparmadan. Birkaç saat beklediğinde nem oluşumunu göreceğiz.  Damlacıklar meydana geldi her yerinde. Its losing water or transpiring through tiny pores in the lead called stomata. Veins of the lead transport water around the plant. Leaves of flowering plants contain x4 more veins than other plants.


Trees are like giant pumps. Drawign moisture from the soil and pumping it into the atm. Some trees chuck out five tonnes of water every day.

All this transpiration meant that 90 million years ago, flowering plants were creating more clouds which led to more rain.

Yağmur da yine ağaçlar tarafından topraktan çekilip yine havaya salınıyordu. A self-sustaining cycle of almost perpetual rain fall. In fact, 80% of the water in the rain forests, came from the flowering plans themselves. In this age of rain, water become an ever powerful sculpting force, Today, u can see its effect in an astonishing hidden world.

Deep beneath the rain forest in central vietnam, Hang Son Doong mağarası Largest cave passage ever discovered. This single cavern is nearly 2 km long. All carved from solid rock by nothing more than water. Üstündeki vast jungle’dan trickle ile gelen su. An underground monument to the power of flowering plants.

Hang Son Doong mağarası

Hang Son Doong mağarası

Also, at the heart of the cave, there is a rain forest. Where the roof has collapsed, flowering plants have made their home. Ground level’In 200m altı. Water ve light oldu mu, flowers produce life. Whole food chain is fed by the flowering plants. Clouds of moisture envelop everything. Plants just soak up that moisture just draw it up, and then pass it out.

Caves formed under all the world’s great rain forests. And this extra water even began to transform the climate. As water evaporates, it absorbs heat and cools the planet. The Amazon rain forest alone keeps its who region 5 degrees cooler. Across the planet water injected into the water cycle was eroding deep canyons. Carving high mountains and sculpting karst towers so iconic of Asia.

65 million years ago was the age of rain forests. They’d spread from the equator to cover most of the earth. ¾ of all plants were now flowers. A rich, luch form for millions of animals. The dominance of the flowering plants seemed unassailable. But it was not to last.

A 10 km asteroid coming from deep space was on a collision course. It hit the earth with a force of a billion Hiroshima bombs. 70 billion tonnes of pulverized rock were blasted into a low orbit. Scientists called it ejector and travelling at supersonic speed, its friction with the atmosphere heated the earth up. 200F yükseldi sıcaklık. Spontaneous fires across the land. It was one of the worst mass extinctions in the history of earth. And famously killed off the dinosaurs.

But less well known is the immediate impact on plants. It was believed to be also devastating. Not only the fires, but the ejector created clouds of nitric and sulphur dioxide which fell as acid rain. Destroying plants from the roots up.

New Zealand White Island’da yeni erupted volkana gidip benzer şartları gözlemliyor. Bleakness, Life obliterated. Incinerated vegetation after eruptions. Similarly, volcanic fumes create acid rain like the asteroid. Böceklerle bağları şimdi zayıflıklarına dönüşmüştü flowering plants için. Çünkü kendileri sağ kalsa da bu hayvanların çoğu yok olmuştu. Yine colored petals to attract the few surviving pollinators devreye sokuldu. Nektar sunumu. Ayrıca survival capsules (seeds) de gelecek için ümitlendiriyor. After the asteroid apocalpyse, seeds helped flowers to re-colonise the earth. Animals ile inseparable ilişki yine kuruldu. Dinozorların yerini memeliler aldı. Flowers bu sefer memelileri kullandı for distributing seeds.


Çiçekler memeliler için yeni bir akıllı tool geliştirdi. Bu sayede tohumlarını kmlerce uzağa gönderebildiler: Fruits.

Durian. Smelliest fruit. Stephen Fry da göstermişti bunu.
Ancak acquired taste ile yenir.

The botanical definition of a fruit is that it must actually develop from the flower itself. The fleshy coating was once the ovary, as it grew around the maturing seeds. Meyvaların tüm gösterişi hayvanları yemek için çekmek.

Fruit is one of the most remarkable transformations in nature. What begins as an advertisement for an insect, a flower, becomes a protective covering for the seeds inside. And then a final burst, swells into the juicy flesh of a fruit. Elmanın geçirdiği aşamalar gösterilmiş stopmotion tekniğiyle.

Renk Körlüğü (Kırmızı yok)

İki renk cone hücresi

Üç renk cone hücresi

55 million years ago one group of early mammals was evolving that relied almost entirely on fruit.
Thailand, Khao Sok National Park
Primates (lemurs, apes, monkeys). Gibbons. depend on fruits. It determined their whole anatomy. Bugün insanın el, kol göğüs yapısı büyük oranda first primates trying to reach the fruit of flowering plants’ten geliyor. Çoğu primatın diet’i %70-90 fruit.

Sonra primatlar sorun teşkil etmeye başlamış. Meyvanın içindeki seed mature olmadan koparıp yiyorlarmış. Seed wasted I this way. Flowers came up with a solution. When fruit was ripe, they made it sweet, juicy, and brightly colored. Color-coded time-delay. It encouraged primates to take only fruit that was fully mature.

Primates başlangıçta tüm memeliler gibi color-blind. Deney. Simple mammal görüşü sunan bir gözlük takıyor. Color blindness is simulated removing red from the picture. For primates to perceive red, they had to evolve a more sophisticated vision system. In the retina, there are special photo receptor cells that detect color. Cones denir bunlara. Mm2’de 150.000 tane. Early mammals had only 2 types of cone.  One for green one for blue. It meant they were color blind. But primates evolved a third type. It was sensitive to red. Biz de primatlardan bunu aldık. Technicolor.

“İnsan biraz animal-centric sanki. Dünyada yaşam aslında çiçeklerle şekillenmiş.