6 Haziran 2017 Salı

Pirate Radio - Korsan Radyo (2009)

Uzun bir aradan sonra yeniden zevkle seyrettim. Dolu dolu bir rock’n roll masalı. Parodileştirilmiş bir muhafazakar kanat.  Zengin karakter çeşitliliği. Oyuncu kadrosu inanılmaz. Keyifli ve hareketli bir müzikal deniz yolculuğu. Bu tarz bir grup arkadaşın başından geçen hikayeler özellikle hoşuma gittiği için buradan da beni yakalıyor. Sanki Sherwood ormanlarını mesken edinmiş Robin Hood ve Şen Asilerinin 1960’lı yıllardaki özgür radyo ortamına adapte edilmiş hali gibi. Özellikle direniş kararının alındığı toplantıda herkesin kısa bir konuşma yaptığı sahne iyiydi. Tansu Çiller döneminde özel radyoların kapatılması kararına karşı arabaların antenlerine siyah kurdeleler takılarak yapılan protestoları da anımsatmadı değil. Tam eğlencelik.

IMDB Trivia
This film is very loosely based on Radio Caroline, a popular pirate radio ship with a similar history and style. It was director Richard Curtis's intention to weave a fictional story around the many pirate stations of that era, rather than base the story on a factual story.

The scene with Midnight Mark and all his naked groupies (cut from US release) is an homage to the UK album cover of Jimi Hendrix's album 'Electric Ladyland', even down to the placement of the girls.

Hans Zimmer wrote the film's score, which consists of only one six-minute cue during the finale, without being credited as composer. He did this as a favor to Working Title, with whom he had worked during the beginning of his career in the 1980s. The score track is listed in the closing credits among the numerous songs used as "Sink or Swim" and Zimmer is listed, in the fine print, as the writer of this particular "song" along with Lorne Balfe.

Though the film is set in 1966, much of the music featured is anachronistic. For example, Bob carries a copy of The Incredible String Band's 'The 5000 Spirits or the Layers of the Onion', which was neither recorded nor released until 1967, and The Who's "Won't Get Fooled Again", used to score a climactic scene, was not released for another 5 years.

Although the stuffy, pompous, reactionary Alastair Dormandy appears to be a synthesis of Tory politicians from this era (though it isn't stated which party he belongs to), the 1967 Marine Broadcasting Offences Act outlawing pirate radio was introduced under Harold Wilson's Labour government and the person chiefly responsible for its introduction was the famous socialist politician Tony Benn, who was Postmaster General from 1964-1966.

The album Bob grabs at the end is the 1967 record, The 5000 Spirits Or The Layers Of The Onion by Incredible String Band.

Twatt is in fact a real surname. It derives from the Old Norse word "thveit" through the later medieval "thwaite" and describes a low meadow or patch of pasture land. It is also the name of a village in the Shetland Islands and one in the Orkney Islands.

The film takes place from 1966 to 1967.

Although purely fictional, the film does reference many of the actual events surrounding pirate radio. Namely, like the pirate radio ship, the Ross Revenge', the movie's ship is red with the station's name in white paint on the deck. Radio Caroline's ship, the Mi Amigo sank, complete with fleeing DJs unable to save the ship's vast record collection and as in the film's finale, its extremely high mast rose out of the sea where it stayed for many months. Also a DJ did marry on a pirate radio ship as Simon does in the film. Additionally the DJs are seemingly composites of popular radio personalities of the time such as Tony Blackburn (also unlucky in love in his early days ala Simon Swafford, when his rocky marriage become apparent in his radio show) and the wacky Kenny Everett has traits similar to Angus Nutsford. Dave Lee Travis, Whispering Bob Harris, American DJ Emperor Rosko and Johnnie Walker also are seemingly portrayed in the film.

IMDB Alıntılar
The Count: To all our listeners, this is what I have to say - God bless you all. And as for you bastards in charge, don't dream it's over. Years will come, years will go, and politicians will do fuck all to make the world a better place. But all over the world, young men and young women will always dream dreams and put those dreams into song. Nothing important dies tonight, just a few ugly guys on a crappy ship. The only sadness tonight is that, in future years, there'll be so many fantastic songs that it will not be our privilege to play. But, believe you me, they will still be written, they will still be sung and they will be the wonder of the world.
Gavin Cavanagh: Hit it!

Minister Dormandy: You see, that's the whole point of being the government. If you don't like something you simply make up a new law that makes it illegal. Speaking of which, Mr...

Dave: So tell us Mark, now at the very end - what was your secret? How did you get all them girls?
Mark: Simple. Don't say anything at all.
'Young' Carl: Nothing?
Mark: Nothing. Then, when the tension becomes too much to bear, you finally, finally, you just say: "How about it, then?"

Quentin: The day has come. Tonight pirate radio dies. From midnight, we are a ghost ship floating without hope on cold and dark waters. You have done almighty work here. Thank you. But your work is done.

The Count: Not mine, sir. I'm an American citizen and I don't give a hootenanny God damn about your nitpicking limey laws. I intend to broadcast from this ship 24 hours a day until the day I die. And then for a couple days after that.
Gavin Cavanagh: Not wanting to sound rude or anything, but don't you think that might be an ever so slightly monotonous experience for the listener? What do you say to 12 hours each, noble sir?

Quentin: Thank you gentlemen, lady, strange bearded thing.

Angus: Official sources word today sad to announce this separation of Simon and Eleanor, after 17 hours of marriage. It is understood due to musical differences.