10 Eylül 2017 Pazar

Hebrid Adaları: Sınırda Yaşam (1/4) (2013)

Hebrides: Islands on the Edge
Ewan McGregor'un anlatımı ve  John Aitchison'ın kameramanlığı ile Hebrid adalarından doğa manzaraları. Daha önce seyrettiğim Highlands: Scotland's Wild Heart (2016) serisinde de anlatımı başarılıydı, Zaten belgesel işinin içinde bir aktör, motosiklet tutkusuyla birleştirerek yaptığı birkaç belgeselini de izlemiştik. Prodüktör, Britain Goes Wild (Bill Oddie) serisinden hatırladığımız Nigel Pope.

Her bölümde farklı adalardaki yabani yaşamdan örnekler sunuluyor. Hafif içerikli, manzarası bol, huzur veren bir seri. Hem sualtı hem de suüstü görüntüleri var. Toplamda 4 bölüm. BBC Scotland.

Episode one focuses on the southern islands of Islay, Jura, Colonsay and Oronsay. Episode two concentrates on Mull, Coll and Tiree. Episode three focuses on the more distant islands of Uist, Lewis, Harris, Benbecula and Barra leaving Episode four to complete the series by considering the future prospects of the Hebrides from the joint perspectives of the wildlife and the humans.

 John Aitchison

Ewan McGregor

World of rock and water
Europe’s final frontier against the Atlantic ocean
Migratory basking sharks
Each year two percent of the spirit disappears via evaporation which is called Angel’s Share.
Not: Ken Loach'un harika bir filmi vardır bu konuda ve aynı isimde.


Resim yazısı ekle

Basking shark

Swallow chicks

Squat lobster
Most creatures here are firmly anchored to the rocks
Dead man’s fingers, a type of soft coral. Each colony is made up of hundreds of tiny animals called polyps . The movements of the tides are critical for these animals as they filter plankton from the water streaming past.
Corals also have enemies. The sea slug. Eats soft coral polyps. The fingers however have a net trick. Shrinking. They retract as one.


Squat lobster

Dead man’s fingers

Sea slug

Retracting Dead man’s fingers

Grey seals. Puppying
Female red deer, hinds.
Deer bleat
Whooper swans coming from Iceland
Barnacle geese. Travel companians of whooper swans.
There are no ground predators in the islands

Grey seals

whooping swans

Barnacle geese

White-tailed eagle


White-tailed eagle. Gold eagle da var.
Barnacles covering the ship
Tiny relatives of crabs and lobsters beat their feathery legs to draw passing plankton into their shells.


beating their feathery legs

Marathon flight of barnacle geese
In Scots Gaelic, October is called “an Damhair” (an damiğr): The roaring time
Red deer çiftleşme sezonu roaring sounds.
Flocks of twite sadece Hebrides de çoğalıyor.
Hayvancılıktan artakalanla besleniyorlar.

Mesela barley hasadı gecikince whooping swan’In adada kalış süersi de uzuyor. İnsan-kuş etkileşimi.


Red deer