Isaac Newton: The Last Magician
Isaac Newton'ın hayatı üzerine BBC'den bir saatlik bir belgesel. Bol bol canlandırma kullanılmış. Newton'ı günümüz insanının zihninde yerçekimi ve elma kelimelerinin arasına sıkışmaktan kurtaran bilgilendirici bir çalışma. Ekonomist Keynes'in Newton'ın notlarını okuduktan sonra sarf ettiği cümle belgeselin ismi olarak kullanılmış.
Çalışmanın bu dahi bilgin (Geçen gün düşündüm de "bilim insanı" nedir yahu, bilgin gibi her iki cinsi de kapsayan ve kanıksanmış bir kelime dururken..!) hakkında daha fazlasını öğrenmek için insanlarda merak uyandırmak gibi bir amacı varsa bunu başarıyla yerine getiriyor. En azından bende öyle oldu. Sormak istediğim epey soru oluştu kafamda. Neticede bir saatte çok sınırlı bir kapsamı olabiliyor belgeselin. Biyografilerden birini okuyacağım herhalde. Seyrederken yer yer Alan Moore'u da anmadım değil.
Dramatizasyonlarda Newton'ı Strain dizisinde Aldridge rolünde beğenerek izlediğim Jonathan Hyde harika canlandırmış. Newton'ın nemesis'i Robert Hooke rolünü ise halen devam eden Silikon Vadisi dizisindeki Gary Bates canlandırmış zannettim ama değilmiş :)
Newton: “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but
to my self, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore,
amusing myself by now and then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than
ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
Some consider him saint, some genius, his discoveries might
well pass as miracles.
In his life time, he was considered as a scientific demigod.
Newton revealed the nature of light. Enabled us to calculate
motion and predict change. Distilled the force that unites the whole universe
into a precise formula: the universal law of Gravity.
Rational genius who propelled us from medieval darkness to
He was also a complex, difficult, and secretive man. Not
communicative. Not wanting to work with others. Easily offended. Profoundly
Newton was not the first of age of reason, but he was the
last of the magicians.
1705’te 63 yaşındayken a pillar of the Brit establishment,
just knighted, and recognized across Europe as the “master of the
Kendine aşırı güveniyor ve doğruluğundan hiş şüphe etmiyor.
New Messiah gibi. Dünyayı kurtaracak bilgileri aktaran adam gibi düşünüyor
Doğmasıyla estrangement from humanity başladı.
Woolsthorpe Manor, Lincolnshire. 1642. Xmas morning. Birth.
1640lar İng tarihinin en çalkantılı günleri. The English civil war left 1 in 10 men dead.
King Charles I was beheaded. Oliver Cromwell’s puritanical government waged war
against catholicism in the monarchy. Bubonic plague was rampant. People
genuinely believed that the world was coming to an end. This time of chaos and
upheaval marekd Newton for life.
Dr Stuart Clark. (Author – The Sensorium of God)
craved certainty. All of Newton’s work is about finding certainty., finding the
truth and things that u can absoultely believe in”
His father died a few months before he was born. His mother
rejected and abandoned him 3 yaşındayken.
Zamanının protestan ikliminde büyüdü. Anticatholic, bible-reading,
introspective. He wrote a list of childhood sins written in code. Önce çocukça
kabahatler sonra ailesine savurduğu tehditler (sizi de evi de yakarım),
kızkardeşini darp etmesi.
Geride bıraktığı yığınla yazı, not var. Kendi dünyasında yaşayan bir adam.
20 yy ekonomisti Keynes Newton hayranıydı.
Keynes: “Geniuses are peculiar. The uneasiness, the melancholy, the nervous agitation, in vular modern terms, Newton was profoundly neurotic. “
He relied on no one but himself.
Rob Illife: “He has almost a sort of visceral dislike of folowing other people. He has a very strong belief in his own originality. “
As a school boy, Newton’s innovative mind was already at work. He decided to inent his own way to tell the time.
Newton turned the attic into a giant astronomical clock. Like a sundial. He plotted the sun’s movement as it moved across the wall of his room every 15 minutes. Odaların duvarındaki gölgelere bakarak saati söyleyebiliyor. Light, space, and time were already his playthings.
Newton’s teenage notebooks mention no friends. Instead they reveal his efforts to find his own answers to practical problems. Like alleviating wind.
Newton’s fertile mind was almost stifled before it could flourish. His estranged mother pulled him out of school when he was 17 to run the family farm. Newton bu işten hoşlanmıyor. Kötü yapıyor. Dayısı onun okuması gerektiğini görüyor.
Trinity College, Cambridge. Natural philosophy, study of the
physical world ilgisini çekiyor. Yani science. O dönem science saygıdeğer bir
alan değil. No degree no career. Useful results sunmamış henüz.
Profesörler Aristo’nun concept of gravity and levity
öğretiyor. Smoke has levity because they have a tendency to rise up to heavens.
An apple has a gravity, a tendency to fall down. Newton bu 2000 yıllık
orthodoxy’yi reddecekti. Newton only believed what he could prove himself.
Newton: “Natural philosohpy shouldnot be founded on
metaphysical opinons. Its conclusion can only be proved by experiment. “
He wanted to know everything. He had an insatiable
21 yaşında devised a curriculum for himself. 45 topics that
obsessed him for the rest of his life. He called them: “Certain Philosophical
Questions”. Tolstoy'da da var bu ilgi alanlarını kategorize etme gençken.
Gözün çalışma prensibi üzerinde çok düşünüyor. Çalışıyor
hatta kör olmayı bile göze alıyor. Uzun bir kürdan olan bodkin’i gözüne
sokabildiği kadar sokuyor hatta. İmagination’ın, yani well ve fancy’nin ne
kadarının contributes towards vision.
1665’de İngiltere’de Bubonic plague çıktı. 100.000 ölü.
Çocukluk evine gidiyor. Compulsive questioning.
He invented the means to compute virtually any rate of change. The
moon’s path around the earth. The growth patterns of a spiral shell. The
trajectory of a projectile fired from a cannon.
A new type of mathematics was born: calculus.
Everytime u have a changing quantity, calculus has to be
used. 24 yaşına geldiğinde buluşlarının çoğunun temelini atmıştı tek başına.
Dünyanın en iyi matematikçisi. Sonrasında ışıkla ilgilenmeye
1665’de panayırdan bir prizma aldı. Descartes’ın book of
colors üzerinde deneyler yapacaktı.
Kepenkleri indirip odasını kararttı. Küçük
bir delik açtı. Birmiktar güneş ışığının girmesine izin verdi. Deliğin önüne
prizmasını tuttu.
Yüzyıllardır beyaz ışığın en saf enerji formu olduğu
dşünülüyordu. A symbol of God’s power. Newton saf olmadığını kanıtlayacaktı.
Prizmanın beyaz ışığı renklere ayırdığını herkes biliyordu.
Ama sonra ne olduğu bilinmiyordu. Newton bu renklerin tekrar parçalanamadığını gösterdi.
Elemental idiler. White light ise composite idi. Beyaz aslında bir karışımdı.
Newton’dan önce prizma bir oyuncaktı. O bunu bilimsel bir araç olarak kullandı.
Ninety percent or more of our knowledge of the universe has
come from collectin light from sky, stars, planets and splitting it effectively
through prism. Bize muhteviyatı hakkında bilgi verirler. Dönme hızları
anlaşılır. Hepsinin temeli ışığın analizidir.
Bulgularını yayınlamaya tenezzül etmiyor hala. Despising
acclaim. John Collins’e mektubunda şöyle
“I do not see what is desirable in public esteem were I able to acquire and maintain it. It d only
increase my acquaintance, the thing I chiefly study to decline. “
Işıkla ilgilenmesi sonucu bulduğu bir buluş sayesinde
reclusiveness was shattered. 1660larda teleskoplar basit tüplerdi. Lensler
kullanılarak görüntü büyütülüyordu. 6-7 metre. Newton yepyeni bir metodla
yaklaştı. Newton teleskobu ise daha kısa bir tübün içinde aynalardan
faydalanır. Böylece the beam of light is bent often enough, that the lenses can
be much closer together. Bçylece
taşınabilir boyutta bir teleskop çıkıyor ortama. Reflecting telescope.
Newton: “Eğer birilerinin benim için alet yapmasını
bekleseydim, I d never have made anything”
Newton’s reflecting telescope was only 15cm, yet it was a
powerful as lense telescope. 10 kere daha küçük. Naviagsyon devrimine yol açtı.
Telescope ve clock ile denize nerede olduğunu
söyleyebiliyorsun. GPS’e kadar sailing ships aynı ikiliyi kullanıyor.
1671’de, Newton’s mathematics don Isaac Barrow finally brough Newton to the attention of the
world’s first scientific organization: The Royal Society in London. Christopher
Wren, Edmund Halley gibi parlak zekalar burada o dönem. Merak içinde bir grup.
Edmund Halley astronom ama cannabis hakkında makale yazıyor. Her şeyle
ilgileniyorlar, ne kadar saçma da olsa. 1672’de hemen üye yapıldı ve çok ilgi
gördü. Prizma deneylerindeki bulgularını “Theory of Light and Colours” olarak
yayınladı sonunda. Makalesini curator of experiments in the royal society
reviewed who was Robert Hooke. Highly respected inventor and natural
philosopher, famous for his drawings of insects as seen through his homemade
microscope. Peer-reviewed t and said it was worthless.
Newton:“Am I bound to
satisfy u? “
He’s very quick to defend his intellectual property. He does
it in a knee-jerk way with people like Hooke. Sert. Asla eleştiriye gelemiyor ve hemen kendini çekiyor.
Everytime anyvody disagree with him, he went into a retreat.
Newton withdrew back inside his mind. Locked in his
cambridge rooms, he became a hermit for the next 12 years. Oradaki çalışmaları
tehlikeli görüleek ve 2 yüzyıl saklanacaktı.
A bunch of impoverished English nobility needed to raise some money and started
selling papers that had been sitting in storage for centuries.
1936’da Keynes bought some of Newton’s secret papers at
auction. Sotheby’s. What he found
revealed an utterly different Newton. Not the rational scientist.
Mesela 1670’lerdeki bir projesinde ulaşabildiği tüm klasik
kaynaklara başvuruyor. Greek, Roman, Egyptian, babylonian, chaldean, Newton
alleged that these ancient cultures had always known that the earth and comets
travel round the sun.
Keynes: “He was the last of the magicians. Last of the
babylonians and Sumerians. Newton bu gerçekleri insanlığa açıklamanın görevi
olduğunu düşünüyordu. Binlerce yıl öncesinin intelelctual inheritance’ını
“He sees himself in a lineage that goes from Noah to moses
to Christ. “
Newton believed that all these ancient civilizations shared
one scientific religion.
Newton: “That first religion was the most rational of all others. Till the nations corrupted it. “
Newton was convinced he d found the source of corruption.
He believed something that most christians, protestant or
catholic, would find deeply reprehensible, probably deem worse than atheism:
Newton denied that God was a trinity.
Newton: “There is one God. The father, everliving,
omniscient, omnipresent, almighty, and one mediator between God and man, the
man Christ jesus. “
This went beyond event the most radical protestantism, this
was heresy. Newton had studied the Bible more thoroughly than any scientific
question. He concluded that false texts were inserted into the Bible in the 4th
century to assert christ’s divinity.
Anti-tritarianism was illegal. U could be put to death for
it. This was a secret that Newton was at desperate pains to conceal all his
He was also following a mythical quest. The study of
alchemy. Search for the divine ingredient which would turn lead to gold and
even give the power of life itself.
He was searching for the philosopher’s stone. Can verecek
bir madde.
Newton: “There is a vital agent diffused through everything
in the earth, a mercurial spirit, extremely subtle and supremely volatile which
is dispersed through every place.”
The idea of having God-like power distilled into a substance
yine ölüme götürebilecek bir fikir.
Kimyasal deneyler yapıyor durmadan. Sonuçları
titizlikle kaydediyor. His alchemic studies inspired him beyond even his scientific
abilities. Avrupanın en iyi simyacısı. His intuition led him to describe a
seemingly magical transformation That would only be understood 200 years after.
Newton “The changing of bodies into light and light into
bodies is very conformable to nature which seems delighted with transmutation.
This transmutation anticipated Einstein’s great breakthrough
in physics in 1905. Mass and energy are interchangeable, or as Einstein puts
it, E=mc2 (MC squared). Mass and energy, body and light.
By being open to ancient wisdom Newton was able to go beyond
the thinking of his own time and into the future. The docs in the trunk finally
reunited the two sides of Newton’s genius. Mystical theologian and scientist.
Seemingly fractured figure.
1684 he was just an obscure academic hiding from the world.
12 yıl simya çalıştı. Edmund Halley’in ziyaretiyle bıraktı.
Cambridge’de ziyaret eti ve astronomiyle ilgili bir soru sordu, gezegenlerin
yörüngesinin şekli. Halley hemen daha önce bu konuyu hesapladığını ve elips
olması gerektiğini söyledi. All the great minds of the day were trying to
explain the movements of the planets. Newton’un eski adversary Robert Hooke da
bunlarında arasında. Çalışırken bahçesinde yürüyüş yapıyor bazen ve aklına bir
şey gelince koşa koşa odasına gidiyor. Sandalyeye bile oturmadan ayakta yazmaya
başlarmış asasında. İki sene çalışıyor Halley’İn sorusu üzerinde. Possible
explnation değil, definitive explanation peşinde.
Newton: “I kept the subject cnstantly before me, until the
first dawnings opened slowly, little by little, into the full and clear light,
The result was a mathematical way to predict how forces
affect movement: Newton’s three laws of motion.
Law I: Every body continues in its state of rest or in
uniform motion in its right line unless it is affected by an external force.
Law II: This change in motion is in proportion to the
external force, and is made in the direction of the straight line in which that
force is impressed
Law III: To every action, there is always an equal reaction,
the mutual action of two bodies upon
each other are always equal and directed to contrary parts.
These 3 laws managed to explain the mechanics of how
virtually everything moves. But Newton realised there was another invisible
element involved that kept the planets orbiting the sun.
From his alchemy, he was quite comfortable with the idea of
spirits pervading space influencing things without contact. He transmuted those
ideas into one of forces Newton deduced that these forces acted at a distance,
across space, between all things
Newton: “The sun attracts Jupiter and the ther planets.
Jupiter attracts its satellites. And for the same reason, all planets
act mutually one upon the other. “
Newton’s masterstroke was realising that the same force that
attracted the planets to one another, also existed on earth.
Newton: “It is now established that this force is gravity.
Tüm evreni gravity’nin birarada tuttuğu fikri.
Applying pure thought to mystic clues
“There are ordinary geniuses and there are magicians.
Ordinary genius’ın yaptığına abktığınızda çok daha akıllı olsam ben de
yaparmışım dersiniz. Magician’ların yaptıklarını gördükten sonra dahi kafanızda
tam çözemezsiniz. Newton was a magician. He was somebody who seemed to pull
ideas out of nowhere."
1687’de magnum opus’unu yayınladı. 500 pages of densely
packed words diagrams and
calcualtions.”The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy” “The Principia”
Buradaki formüllerle neredeyse her şeyin hareketini
öngörebiliyoruz. Comets, eclipses. Tides. Eventually aeroplanes could be
designed and rockets launched.
Calculating forces and movements. Newtonian Age.
The publication also brough controversy. Once again from
Hooke who claimed he was the originator of the Theory of Universal Gravitation.
Hooke: “I conceived that discovery of the cause of celestial
motions to which Mr Newton nor any other has any right to claim. “
Hooke, Halley gibi bilginler bu konuyu araştırıyordu. Newton
was prepared to admit that he built on other people’ work, but not the work of
people like Hooke.
Letter from Newton to Hooke: “If I have seen further, it is
by standing on the shoulders of giants. “
Some believe that this was really a cutting reference to
Hooke’s short stature.
Newton Hooke’un suçlamalarını reddetti ve yaptığı
hesaplamaları bile anlayamayacak kadar
kötü bir matematikçi olduğunu söyledi.
Letter from Newton to Halley: “He does nothing but pretend
and grasp at all things. He should rather excue himself by reaso of his
Hooke: “Interest has no no conscience”
Hooke’s repıtation never recovered. He was soon eclipsed by
Newton’s fame.
Now Newton was famous. His extreme protestantism was regarded more acceptable under the mew king William of Orange. He became an MP for Cambridge (1692). But Newton revealed nothing about his alchemy studies. Instead he began to popularise his ideas starting with gravity. Elma hikayesi. Ne kadar gerçek bilinmiyor. Scientific myth. Sudden inspirations by God hoşuna gidiyor insanların.
Tam şöhreti yakalamışken yine toplumdan uzaklaştı. 50’li yaşlarında severe nervous breakdown. Sleeplessness, melancholia, fear of persecution. Theories abound on his mental status. Yıl 1693. Robery Boyle ile yazıştığı zamanlar. Simya deneyleri konusunda konuşuyorlar. Close-up use of a lot of mercury. Bu breakdown’da ending of his friendship with a young man called Fatio de Duillier, a Swiss mathematician de etkili olmuş olabilir. De duillier went back to Switzerland. Newton never married. Kadınlarla herhangi bir ilişkisi kayda geçmemiş. John Locke’a mektuplar yazıyor (Keşke gerçekten ölmüş olsan falan). Locke akli dengesinden şüphe ediyor.
Üç yıl sonra yazılarını topladı ve Cam’den ayrıldı. Transformation. The hermit and academic became a man of power. Tower of London’da Warden of the Mint olur. 1703 sonunda Royal Society’nin başkanı olur. Dominant scientific politico. This power that he has, brings out the nastier side of his personality. Robery Hooke’da aynı yılın başlarında ölür. Royal Society’nin başkanı olunca iilk yaptığı işlerden biri donating his own portrait and this was also the time when Robert Hooke’s picture went mysteriously missing Günümüzde Hooke protresi yok. Promoted his supporters and crushed the doubters. Royal astronomer Flamsteed’den acilen belli bilgileri istiyor ve sert davranıyor.
Flamsteed: “He called me all the ill names, I put him in mind of his passion, and asjked him to govern it and keep his temper. This made him rage worse. Dr Halley gibi onu övmemi istediğini fark ettim."
Psychopath and genius, visionary and misanthrope, revered scientist and lonely old man
Newton lived out his final years as an autocratic civil servant. Fazla yeni işe imza atmadı.
The storm of his genius had blown itself out.
1727. final retreat into himself. 84 yaşında komaya girdi.
Westminster Abbey’de gömüldü with unprecedented pomp and ceremony. New kind of national hero. The scientific genius.
For such a lonely, isolated guy he achieved an unparalleled measure of fame. Daha önce state funeral asilzade olmayanlar için hiç düzenlenmemişti.
Tüm yazılar 2 büyük sandığa konuldu. Keynes manuscriptleri okuyana kadar din ve simya ile ilgili kısımlardan bahsedilemmiş. Rational Man imajı bozulmasın diye.
Newton: “I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to my self, I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore, amusing myself by now and then finding a smoother pebble or prettier shell than ordinary, while the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before me.”
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